Healthcare Industry
“In the sacred walls of a hospital, where emotions run deep and lives are transformed, Vastu shastra dances with the energies, creating a harmonious symphony of healing and hope.”
In the bustling and emotionally charged environment of a hospital, where important events unfold and lives hang in the balance, there is a powerful exchange of energy. The walls of these establishments bear witness to a myriad of emotions, from joy and relief to heartbreak and despair. It is in this space that Vastu shastra, the ancient Indian practice of balancing energies, plays a significant role.
Contrary to popular belief that the entrance holds great importance, it is not a determining factor in hospital design. Instead, attention is focused on the south spaces, as it is believed that Yama devta, the god of death, resides there. In order to diminish his influence and promote healing and good health, water bodies are placed in the south. This unique approach challenges traditional Vastu principles.
Within the framework of Vastu shastra, the 6th house in a person’s North chart holds great significance for those in the medical field. This house is governed by the planet Mercury, represented by Buddha devta. It is not surprising, then, that the color associated with this house is predominantly green.

This is why hospitals often feature an abundance of green, seen in surgical suits, gloves, and various medical settings. The infusion of this calming color seeks to create an environment that promotes healing and recovery.
One aspect of hospital design that cannot be overlooked is the placement of the staircase. According to Vastu shastra, it is essential that the staircase avoid the North East direction. The ideal location would be in the south West, ensuring harmonious energy flow throughout the building. This architectural detail, seemingly small, holds great importance in maintaining a conducive and balanced environment.
The cosmic world has long believed that different body parts are governed by various planets. Considering these influences, it is suggested that visiting hours for different specialties, such as gynaecology, urology, cardiology, and neurology, be carefully determined. Aligning with the governing planets during these specific times can have a profound impact on both patients and medical practitioners, fostering an environment conducive to better outcomes.
In essence, Vastu shastra offers a unique perspective on hospital design. By considering the placement of water bodies, incorporating the color green, attentively positioning the staircase, and aligning visiting hours with planetary influences, hospitals can foster an environment that not only supports physical healing but also nurtures the emotional and energetic well-being of all who enter.