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Dubai: From Sand to Sky

Updated: Sep 10

Dubai, a metropolis in the heart of the Arabian Desert, has long been seen as a land of opportunity. Geographically located on the southeast coast of the Persian Gulf, Dubai’s position has historically made it a center for trade and commerce. The city, once a small fishing village, has transformed into a global hub for business, tourism, and innovation.


The city's strategic position as a gateway to both East and West has made it a central point of cultures and a land of unending opportunity.

In Vedic Vastu, the land (Bhoomi) is considered the most significant element in the successof any place. Dubai’s very foundation, the land it is built on, holds great significance. What lies beneath the buildings is not just soil but a representation of the core values and hiddenpotential waiting to be unlocked, much like our own inner strength. The foundation of any structure determines its ability to reach great heights.

The soil of Dubai, often considered arid and inhospitable, has paradoxically become a symbol of fortune. This notion finds echoes in mythology, where barren lands, like deserts, are often transformed into fertile grounds by the grace of a higher force. It is said that the ancient Bedouins, the nomads in Arabian regions, who once roamed the Arabian deserts, believed the land to possess hidden treasures.

The nomads in Arabian regions
The nomads in Arabian regions

The book summary of Rags to Riches states:

"Born in 1948, in Abu Dhabi, the author knew dreadful poverty for years before fabulous oil wealth transformed his country forever. He grew up in the ruler's palace, barefoot like his playmates, now senior figures in the United Arab Emirates."

"This is a vivid eye-witness account of the total transformation within only 30 years of a Bedouin society into a country with the world's highest per capita income.”

Total transformation within only 30 years
Total transformation within only 30 years

Dubai’s modern-day transformation is seen by many as a manifestation of this ancient belief—the soil, despite its limitations, has indeed turned to gold for those who have dared to build upon it.

The city’s layout and Nagar Rachana (urban planning) align with Vedic Vastu principles. Once someone experiences Dubai’s energy, they are often reluctant to leave. The Brahmasthan, or central energy point of Dubai, can be likened to the lotus shape of the iconic Burj Khalifa, which, when viewed from above, resembles the sacred lotus— symbolizing purity, potential, and the unfolding of opportunities.

This is a testament to Dubai’s ability to make what once seemed impossible, possible, just as the discovery of oil transformed the desert into a land of wealth.

Dubai’s proximity to water in the West aligns with the Vedic belief in Varuna Devta, the lord of water, once considered the most powerful deity in ancient times. The presence of water in the western zone of Dubai is said to bring a continuous inflow of wealth and prosperity.

Dubai’s success is not just a result of its geography or great leadership but also of a deeper, almost mythological belief in its potential. Much like the myths of old, where land and fortunewere inextricably linked, Dubai's soil continues to draw those seeking prosperity.

The importance of direction in Vastu is also evident in Dubai’s architecture.
The importance of direction in Vastu is also evident in Dubai’s architecture.

The importance of direction in Vastu is also evident in Dubai’s architecture. The presence of the sea in the West emphasizes the need for entrances facing the East, symbolizing newbeginnings and prosperity. However, Northeast-facing entrances should be avoided. ThisVedic wisdom can be observed in Dubai’s malls and complexes, which often have Southfacing entrances, believed to invite positive energy and success.

House owners in Dubai who reside away from the sea, can create an artificial water body intheir homes, like for example a jalkund in the West direction with rose petals in it. Asteel related painting in the Northeast and Yellow or Golden colour and Globe in the SouthWest is auspicious. Here are a few Vastu related remedies.

Dubai’s Real Estate Industry has been facing downfall, which was a boasting field earlier, by incorporating Vastu principles in Dubai's real estate market can significantly boost sales by optimizing the property's energy flow. Placing a flag in the southwest direction enhances stability and attracts faster buyers, while keeping the northeast zone free fromheavy structures promotes prosperity. Positioning the main gate in the center of the direction it is in balances energy, and homes with a south entrance, designed with proper Vastu alignment, are equally effective for quicker sales. Developers looking to ensure faster turnovers should consult Vastu experts to harness these principles for success.

Vastu also emphasizes the significance of the Naag Devta, who resides in the N2 zone, a powerful force that draws people from over a hundred countries to this land. In Dubai’s case, this is mirrored in the massive influx of people from diverse cultures, all drawn by fortune. Similarly, the W3 zone, governed by Sugriv Devta, the deity associated with business acumen, influences Dubai’s commercial success. Businesses here flourish, driven by a disciplined work culture where people balance work and leisure.

The union of land, water, and energy in this desert city reflects the balance of ancient forces that continue to shape its fortunes. As Vedic Vastu teaches, the foundation is everything—and Dubai’s foundation, both literal and metaphorical, has transformed it into a global powerhouse, much like the divine intervention in myth that turns barren lands into fertile grounds of opportunity.

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